Creative | Quality | Intuitive | Energized | Knowledgable | Friendly | Sleek | Open | Energized

kelly is . . .


A concept client, Kelly K. is a Los Angeles stylist, style coach and fashion expert. She works to ensure her clients feel their best and dress better. With over a decade of experience in the industry, she knows that style can be injected into every aspect of life and we crafted a brand that oozed her perceptive and creative process.

Combining in-person and virtual styling service, I wanted Kelly's branding and website to embody her at every touchpoint. Shipping pieces, meeting with clients in person and more. We included geometric shapes to portray the building blocks of fashion. A mix of bright and airy colors as well as mild ones that attract a client that's professional and isn't afraid to have fun. 

the goal

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Print Collateral
Website Design

the project

Honest | Timely | Enthusiastic | Warm | Visionary | Comprehensive | Joyful | Unapologetic | Necessary

asali is . . .


Asali is another concept client and Atlanta based modeling agency specializing in the management of Black and Brown folx. They make the answer "we can't find enough *blank* people" sound as non-sensical as it is. The brand gets talent and partners excited about putting action being inclusivity.

Making sure to highlight the work of casting as well as management, Asali wanted to stray from the bland and boring look of the agency world. We including the natural deep hues that played off the golds, blues, reds and browns in melanated skin. From television producers to fashion directors, we made to sure craft a brand that has a "come as you are" feel, welcoming one and all.

the goal

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Website Design

the project

Organized | Communicative | Focused | Passionate | Contemporary | Elegant | Timeless | Balanced | Luxurious

the modern bride is . . .


The Modern Bride Concierge is a full-service wedding planning agency. Brittanie and I have successfully completed a strategic but gorgeous brand identity and are currently preparing for launch, developing the website.

We were able to reposition The Modern Bride Concierge to expert-status, solidifying a new higher price-point and giving Brittanie the ability to attract luxury clients.

the goal

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Print Collateral
Website Design

the project

See it Live!

Authentic | Quality | Empowering | Trustworthy | Genuine | Inviting | Clean | Approachable | Warm | Professional

akoma is . . .


A private therapy practice, Akoma Healing and Consultation dusts off the archaic perception of therapy being stiff and cold, and invites clients to begin to feel supported, empowered and encouraged in their journey to mental wellness.

The strategy of the brand was to invite clients to a world of the joy they deserve with honest and tangible therapy. We wanted to exude a helping hand with warm colors, heart shaped patterns and an organic approach.

the goal

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Print Collateral
Website Design

the project

See it Live!

let's get started


Your resume is stellar, but your visuals are lackluster, to say the least. Let's get started on your journey to showing up the way you deserve.

about my services

about my services